Friday, August 27, 2010

doughnut tembam...hehehe...tak percaya cubalah

Doughnut ikut selera chefrazak

1 ½ pkt   yeast
1/8 cup   Air Suam
¾  cup   Susu Suam
¼  cup   Gula halus
½  tsp   Garam
1 biji   egg
1/6 cup   shortening
2 ½ cups   Tepung Serbaguna
¼  cup   Lemak sayur
¼ cup   margarine
½ tsp   vanilla essence
2 cups   Gula Caster

Cara membuatnya
-Cairkan yeast dalam sebuah bekas dengan mengunakan air suam
--Kemudian masukkan susu, gula, garam,telur,shortening dan satu
cawan tepung kedalam adunan yeast tadi
-Gaul rata secara perlahan-lahan hingga sebati.
-Kemudian masukkan kesemua tepung dan gaul hingga sebati ,
Setelah siap giling doh berkenaan dan taburkan serbuk kayu manis
,gula dan gulung , kemudian potong doh berkenaan dan rehatkan seketika
tutup dengan mengunakan tuala basah.
-- setelah doh itu membesar, panaskan minyak dengan kepanasan
-350 darjah celcius.
-Goreng doughnut itu dan balikkan sehingga masak

resipi tepung pisang goreng rangup

tepung Goreng Pisang, Durian, Kledek, yang bersarang tanpa bahan kimia

600g  Keladi (Kukus dan Lenyek)
150 g   Tepung Teng(Masak)
80 g  Shortening
1 tblsp  Gula
1 tsp  Garam
1 tsp  Minyak Bijan

Cara Membuatnya
Blender keladi dengan air hingga likat.
Masak tepung teng dengan air sehingga menjadi gluten.
Kemudian campurkan kesemua bahan diatas dan gaul hingga sebati.
Pukul hingga sebati dan pastikan adunan itu lmenjadi cecair yang pekat.
Kemudian celupkan isi pisang,kledek dan goreng dalam minyak pada suhu 150 darjah celcius.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

resipi kesihatan....

Kerabu Ulam Mangga
1              biji                          Mangga
100         gm                          Ulam Raja
100         gm                          Daun Ceylon
½             Biji                          Bunga Kantan
1              tsp                          Cuka
1              tsp                          Gula Halus
1              biji                          Lada Benggala
1              tsp                          Serbuk Belacan
1              tblsp                      Kacang Tanah (Kisar)

Cara membuatnya
1.       Petik pucuk ulam tersebut dan satukan dengan ulam-ulaman yang lain.
2.       Basuh sedikit dan rendam dalam air batu untuk merangupkan ulam tersebut.
3.       Sagat mangga pada ketebalan 1 mm, masukkan mangga tersebut kedalam ulam tadi
4.       Kemudian masukkan kesemua bahan –bahan yang lain dan gaul hingga rata.

Air Pegaga Pandan.
200         gm                          Daun Pegaga
1              helai                      Daun Pandan
30           gm                          Gula Batu
250         gm                          Air

Cara Membuatnya
1.       Basuh daun pegaga bersama tangkainya.
2.       Kemudian kisar hingga lumat daun pegaga berkenaan bersama –sama dengan air.
3.       Perah dalam periuk atau cerek untuk dipanaskan.
4.       Masak air itu dengan api yang perlahan, kemudian masukkan daun pandan dan gula batu.
5.       Setelah siap, tapis air pegaga dan sajikan dengan sedikit air batu untuk kesegarannya.

Perca Ulam 
300                 gm          Pucuk pelbagai Ulam
½                     biji          Bunga Kantan
1                      tsp          Lada Hitam
1                      tsp          Perahan Lemon
1                      btg         Cili Merah (dibuang Biji)
1                      tblsp      Gula Halus
10                   Helai      Daun Salad/Kadok
Cara Membuatnya
1.       Cincang Hiris Ulam-Ulaman, masukan dalam satu bekas .
2.       Kemudian Masukan kesemua bahan yang tertera diatas kecuali daun salad.
3.       Lentangkan daun salad, sapukan sos pudina kemudian masukkan perca ulam keatas sos pudina tadi, kemudian gulung atau lipat bungkus mengikut kesesuaian masing-masing.

Sos Daun Pudina
200                 gm          Daun Pudina
20                   gm          Daun Saderi
10                   gm          Rempah Kari
30                   gm          Kelapa Parut
1                      tsp          Stok Ayam
1                      tblsp      Cuka
100                 gm          Air

Cara Membuatnya.
1.       Petik daun pudina dan daun saderi, kumpul setempat.
2.       Masukkan rempah kari,kelapa parut, stok Ayam dan cuka.
3.       Kisar hingga lumat dan tapis hingga air dalam tapisan itu kering.
4.       Sajikan dengan nasi beryani atau sajian berbentuk kambing.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

any body want to reduce weight.....

in the number of years, there are people looking for solution on how to reduce weight...not many found the answer..well thats what they are looking for..and yet so many tips and advised been given by so many people.
and some of the tips works but some are not....usually things may happen to any one by coincidence but some may find trouble to it, perhaps there are so many solution in being healthy.

for some reasons why i have to tell you this, because some medical or consultation need for a practitioner advised. testimony sometimes does not help, and some times might create other problem. here are the circumstances that a case study been made. a lady by the age of 40 who took supplement for her healthiness years ago complaining that she had a sickness in her chest. she went to a doctor and confirm that there are a symptom that her body just created a lump and it look like a minor cancer. when she got up-set, she took supplement pill without any consultation by any of her doctors, and yet after 6 month the lump getting worst. so she met some other friends and all of them recommend her a number of supplement to make her feel comfort. after a year goes by, she been admitted to a hospital for a surgery.

when the doctor call me just to know about what food that contain a the highest vitamin A,K and E, and my answer is there no such things a fruit or a food contain that much in one portion of meal taken. when i talk to the doctor personally, the only food that contain such number is only came from a supplement...i'm not sure but please check with the patient for the confirmation..and yet the doctor consult the patient and the answer is yes, she has been taken the vitamin every day and for number of years. after the operation, she came to me to seek for a consultation. i told her to look for a doctor and check the BMI and the need of vitamin for her body, and she came back and told me that the doctor advised. after a years been treat as per doctors consultation, i advised her to take supplement on consult basis and not to take as per been told by the salesperson.she currently reduce her sickness and back to basic item needed in her body.

well, if you want to reduce your weight, you may take some supplement, but not over dose. the trick is check your body and ask for doctors consultation before you start your dietary...some times we may fat because of too much water, or too much air, or genetically. if your body contain too much water within 60 to 100kg for women and 70 to 140 kg for mens with a height of 5 feet 8 inches and below, burn your water-fat by sauna and skip carbo such as rice or potato, if you craving to eat just took a little bit such as 100g per meal once a week. all you need is protein and other vitamin on food. for a dietary discipline, eat citrus before you attempt your meals every time. then after you burns up the fats in sauna, do not jog and jump, just stretch and make a half an hour treadmill, you'll sweat and make sure you only drink a warm water when ever you need. then you took some supplement for a quicker process. if your body reduce stop taking the supplement, and go for more fiber food such as vegetable and fruits.

for too much air, make your self free to massage your whole body, don't ever skip or take your meal late. cause this habit will make your body gain too much air again. control your meals and go for more soupy food and exercise your body with a treadmill for an hour. if you think that your body is heavier than ever just follow the above advise and check your doctor on the BMI and numbers of vitamins needed to your body.

for genetics, just control your meals and consult your doctor or a dietitian pertaining your BMI and supplement needed. a natural food source is the best solution in getting a good health. a food is good, the thing that made food bad is human discipline, by consume too many or too much by not taking any facts including local weather and atmosphere, this will cause each one of us a problem. some food been create to some whether but not all the food consider the same. we have to know what we eat, check before we deal with it. because life refer to our disciplinary activities.